Tunnel Boulevard: the reconquest of urban spaces
Tunnel Boulevard on Via Padova becomes a hopeful construction site for urban regeneration

This article chronicles the transformation of Via Padova in Milan from a neglected area to a building site of hope thanks to the Tunnel Boulevard project. Through key initiatives, strategic partnerships, and a comprehensive approach to urban regeneration, the project has brought a previously blighted area back to life, highlighting the potential for social and physical transformation. The rebirth of Via Padova represents a new beginning for the neighborhood, underscoring the importance of active participation and collaboration in building strong, connected communities.
Community transformation.
Urban regeneration can manifest itself in many forms, from the significant renovation of disused industrial buildings to the small-scale decoration of neighborhoods. However, any action aimed at restoring the social function of public spaces can have a huge positive impact on the community.
In our cities, we often identify certain areas as mere passageways, not places that can be traversed only by car or public transportation, and which we tend not to consider an integral part of the social fabric: railroad bridges, tunnels, and underpasses are often overlooked, creating unsightly and potentially dangerous areas in a state of decay.
On the contrary, these spaces are at the center of neighborhood life; they cannot represent insurmountable barriers that isolate entire areas and prevent a decent and peaceful city experience.
The Tunnel Boulevard.
The Tunnel Boulevard project is certainly an example that goes in this direction, succeeding in renewing and returning forgotten spaces to the community.
Initially considered an obscure and uninviting place, Tunnel Boulevard has been transformed into a welcoming and stimulating space. At the core of the project is the idea of creating a public space that unites Via Pontano with the five railroad tunnels, which are currently neglected and plagued by problems such as lack of adequate lighting, dirt, water infiltration, wild parking, and reduced sidewalks.
Artistic illuminations, murals, and interactive installations have made the tunnel a living work of art, attracting residents and tourists and transforming the area into a city landmark.
This regeneration has not only been aesthetic but has led to an economic revival of the area. New businesses, cafes, and stores have enlivened Tunnel Boulevard, transforming it from a mere thoroughfare to a community gathering place.
The implementation of the project.
The urban regeneration site started from Via Padova, an area where physical and social degradation had reached alarming levels, neglected for thirty-five years. This part of the neighborhood was transformed thanks to the joint efforts of several actors and projects, including Fondazione Cariplo's "LaCittàIntorno" program and the "Beyond the Tunnel - Via Padova Mondo" project, dedicated to the Via Padova railway tunnel.
The intervention was also made possible through the Municipality of Milan's "Piazze Aperte" call for bids and the signing of a Collaboration Pact with the Municipality itself involving the Departments of Participation, Mobility, and Culture. This targeted collaboration marked the beginning of a significant transformation focused on redeveloping neglected public spaces and transforming them into welcoming and inclusive places.
The role of regeneration.
Public open space is becoming increasingly important in the post-COVID era. Making cities livable and giving them back to citizens becomes imperative, and the Tunnel Boulevard project fits perfectly into this revival perspective.
The project is not just a physical intervention but represents widespread, gradual and engaging change. Via Padova and Tunnel Boulevard are examples of how urban regeneration can be a collaborative process that actively involves the community, making public spaces aesthetically pleasing, functional, and meaningful for all.
Tunnel Boulevard clearly demonstrates that urban regeneration can go beyond the physical appearance of spaces and help build stronger, more connected communities. Turning neglected locations into places of community pride is a lesson we should learn from projects like this, inspiring us to turn even the least considered areas of our cities into urban treasures.
images from tunnelboulevard.org