We share knowledge tools, to improve people's lives

And build a more informed community.

Since the dawn of time, real estate has been a cornerstone of human society. Yet there is still a veil today that limits the awareness of anyone venturing into this field.

Evaluating a property is difficult because you never have access to all the information to do it correctly.
Choosing a property is difficult because one never has access to all the information needed to do it correctly.
Renovating a property is difficult because one never has access to all the information needed to define the timing, method and cost of the work correctly.

We created didimora with the ambition to tear this veil apart: with the help of technology we want to bring order, transparency and efficiency to such a pervasive sector of our society. We want to make the objectivity of data easily accessible to anyone who has to make choices regarding a property, and thus help them to choose freely and consciously.