Much more than just tables.

An entire software to analyze the present and future of real estate assets

The digital suite for REAL ESTATE OWNERS & MANAGERS.

Today, the most widely used tool for real estate analysis are still spreadsheets - Excel, to be clear. Excel is a powerful but inconvenient tool for real estate analysis. It is not very interactive and does not allow you to focus on what is really important.
didimora is the digital suite for analyzing all kinds of real estate assets with objective data, through a user-friendly interface much simpler than excel, designed to be easy to use even for those without advanced technical skills.
With didimora you finally have a software:
  • specifically for the real estate industry, tailored to the needs of real estate professionals;
  • complete with the features you need to store all your real estate data and documents and do analysis on your own;
  • intuitive to process and share comprehensive and objective assessments.
Change is easy! Request a demo with our team now and try the digital suite.
You can use the digital archive for free and then choose to subscribe to process reports, or purchase credits to pay only for what you use. Plus, you'll have expert support to help you every step of the way. You will also have the possibility to integrate the digital suite with your management system or the platforms you use daily.
A property that needs renovation is unattractive in the market and selling it is complex: determining its value objectively and understanding which potential buyers are interested is difficult. For this reason, owning and managing abandoned, vacant or redevelopment properties reduces your profitability with additional expenses and lost earnings.

Why is it so difficult to define the value of a property that has been abandoned or needs to be renovated? Because in order to do it, you need to define all possible uses, the value that can be generated with each, and to estimate renovation costs. This involves making strong assumptions, often supported only by superficial data, personal hunches or the opinions of outsiders.

It is rarely possible to back up these assumptions with comprehensive objective data that minimize the margin of error or allow all possible scenarios to be explored.
With didimora, assessing a property for renovation is much easier.
You have an intuitive and comprehensive platform with objective data and specific functionality to define scenarios of regeneration and understand how to enhance the value of properties that need to be renovated.
Our proprietary algorithms help you get an automatic indication of the best regeneration scenarios to guide your work of data interpretation. The tool to analyze and compare multiple scenarios allows you to evaluate multiple configurations and layouts for the same property.
Case study


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