All your analysis with one tool

always updated

You can freely use the suite to create the digital archive of your properties for free.

To use analysis and report generation features, you must instead purchase credits or a subscription including a set number of credits per month.
In addition, extra services can be purchased within the report.


All prices include VAT


  • Unlimited uploads
  • Option to purchase individual credits for €1.99



  • Unlimited uploads
  • Option to purchase individual credits for €1.99
  • 250 crediti al mese inclusi per acquistare servizi o aggiornare i dati
  • Fino a 25 report di analisi immobiliare al mese
  • Specialized assistance
489€ / month



  • Unlimited uploads
  • Option to purchase individual credits for €1.99
  • 450 crediti al mese per acquistare servizi o aggiornare i dati
  • Report di analisi immobiliare illimitati
  • Prioritized specialized assistance
849€ / month



  • Unlimited uploads
  • Number of credits and extra services that can be customized
  • Prioritized specialized assistance
  • Custom whitelabel platform and multiple accesses
  • Possibility of on-premise installation
  • Integration with existing property/facility management tools


Whether you have a subscription or you use reports through individual credits, you can request specialized assistance if you have problems using the platform. If you have a Pro or Enterprise subscription, you can take advantage of the prioritized support service with response within 24 hours


You can always customize your PDF reports with your company colors and logo. If you have an Enterprise subscription, in addition to the PDF report, you can request the full software customization of your online reports. Also, with an Enterprise subscription, you can request to install our software on-premise on your enterprise's servers and have multiple logins with the ability to differentiate users by roles with different permissions.


The flexibility of the didimora digital suite makes it possible to directly integrate the digital tools you already use to manage your assets. Request a demo to discuss your needs together.


  • Broker opinion: By requesting a broker opinion, we will consult one or more brokers in our network to obtain an opinion on your property. The broker, having firsthand knowledge of the area's real estate market, can provide you with a different perspective to supplement your report. It will include the strengths and weaknesses of the property, an estimate of the sales value, and an estimate of the time needed to sell.
  • didimora opinion: If you prefer relying on our analysts or partners to analyze a property, or if you want confirmation of the analysis you performed, you can request a desktop didimora opinion. It includes the verification of cadastral data, the research of floor plans, an indication of potential scenarios, and a desktop estimation of the current value.
    If, on the other hand, you want an in-depth analysis of a property, including an appraisal with an inspection, you can ask for a didimora opinion full. It will include the services of the didimora opinion desktop, as well as an in-depth estimate of current value, a technical inspection, and an urban planning verification.
  • Project and Cost of Work: With this service, you get a layout drawing for the scenario you have selected and a detailed cost estimation to be able to carry out your project.
    It includes digitizing the floor plan, defining assumptions for the new layout, calculating the bill of works and quoting the work.