A specific software,
comprehensive and intuitive

For owners, brokers and property managers

Intuitive software to process and share comprehensive and objective assessments through an intuitive platform designed to be easy to use even for those without technical skills.

How it works


You can analyze any type of property by accessing comparables and data that are always up-to-date, plus you can supplement your analysis with broker opinions and other professional estimates.

We collect our data from major industry players and reliable public sources, and help you use it with our proprietary algorithms, developed with the collaboration of design firms, universities and experts from their in-depth knowledge of the industry.


You can upload, organize, and view data on all your properties in a simple and orderly way, easily accessing cadastral data, features, photographs, documents.

You can upload properties individually, detailing all cadastral units, or upload a single spreadsheet with all cadastral units and then aggregate the units into properties and groups of properties directly online.

You can upload properties individually, detailing all cadastral units, or upload a single spreadsheet with all cadastral units and then aggregate the units into properties and groups of properties directly online.
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Uno strumento avanzato per stimare il valore dei tuoi immobili e generare report riepilogativi con dati socio/demografici, andamento del mercato, valori medi, comparabili transati, in vendita e in affitto.

È possibile analizzare ogni singola unità catastale, definendo valori e comparabili e poi aggregare le valutazioni nel report complessivo.
Inoltre, si possono creare scenari futuri per analizzare possibili scenari di rigenerazione.
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We collect our data from major industry players and reliable public sources, and help you use it with our proprietary algorithms, developed with the collaboration of design firms, universities, and experts from their in-depth knowledge of the industry.

‍Whatdata do we have?‍
  • market comparables (for sale, transacted, long-term rental, short-term rental)
  • Demographic and socio-economic indicators (divided by age group, origin, ...)
  • IMO values
  • POI (Points of Interest)
  • urban indicators
  • tourism market indicators
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